Most kids in Kansas and beyond are adaptable. When issues arise that prompt life changes, children are typically able to roll with the punches despite any challenges that surface along the way. This is even true in cases of divorce, unless there is a contentious child custody problem that is causing them high levels of stress.
Regardless of age, children are not always able to articulate their feelings. When parents divorce, each child in the family may react differently. That is why it is critical for parents to pay close attention to every child, in case health issues arise that might be directly connected to child custody.
Symptoms of custody-related stress in children often include trouble sleeping, a drop in academic performance, poor appetite or lingering physical discomfort, such as a stomach ache or headaches. If a parent notices that a child complains of such ailments every time he or she is exposed to parental conflict regarding custody, it is logical to assume that the two issues are connected. The good news is that there are many support resources to help provide for a child’s emotional, mental and physical needs in divorce.
Resolving a child custody problem may, in fact, help a child resolve any related health issues in divorce. When the ultimate goal is to protect a child’s best interests and a parent’s rights, the best means for doing so is to ask an experienced family law attorney to advocate on one’s behalf in court. An attorney would also likely have information regarding other community resources, such as family counselors, child psychologists or local faith communities who can provide encouragement and support to Kansas families facing challenges as they move on after divorce.