Many married couples in Kansas and beyond fight about money. In fact, financial disagreements are a leading cause of high asset divorce. When spouses have different opinions about spending, budgeting, income, investing or paying bills, it can spark lasting, if not permanently damaging, consequences in a marriage. A group of financial analysts who conducted a survey say this issue ranks high as a leading factor in many divorces throughout the United States.
In some marriages, several problem issues intersect, such as if one spouse is angry because the other spouse has been spending money while engaging in an extra marital affair. Infidelity is definitely one of the most common causes of divorce. However, not every marital break-up is prompted by financial disagreements or sexual/intimacy issues.
Many couples, in fact, say they ultimately decided to divorce simply because they were incompatible as spouses. While some say opposites do indeed attract, it can become tiresome trying to maintain a relationship where two people have absolutely nothing in common. Many spouses wind up saying they’d rather be single again than stay in a relationship that lacks companionship and joy.
In a high asset divorce, the focus of litigation is often finances. No matter what particular issues may have prompted a spouse to file a petition in a Kansas court, it can be challenging to resolve disagreements concerning investments, business ownership, real estate or other financial issues. An experienced family law attorney is well-versed in state property division laws and is therefore a strong source of support for any spouse who anticipates having to go to battle to protect his or her financial interests in divorce.