It goes without saying that divorce can be a challenging event to endure. For parents in Kansas, a divorce can make raising a family very difficult, especially if the relationship is contentious. However, successfully co-parenting with an ex-spouse after a contentious and conflict-ridden divorce is not only possible, there are ways to make it beneficial for both parents and children alike. Here’s how to make a co-parenting child custody arrangement successful with a difficult former spouse.
First and foremost, it is necessary to set boundaries for the children. Kids need consistency to help them feel safe and secure, so set clear boundaries on what they can or cannot do. Following a divorce, many parents try to be a fun mom or dad and give in to a child’s every whim. Unfortunately, this will facilitate an unstructured and undisciplined environment. Instead, the children may only feel entitled.
Never talk bad about the other parent to the children. No matter how difficult the split may have been, the former spouse is also the children’s other parent. When talking about an ex-spouse, try to be as positive as possible and never burden the kids with adult issues. In order to make co-parenting work, communication and cooperation between parents is key. Remember to try and work as a team, especially when making major decisions concerning the children’s welfare.
Co-parenting after a divorce is always difficult. However, if the co-parents are not on good terms, the split can have adverse effects on the children. Parents must remember to always keep the children’s needs and well-being as the top priority. Kansas residents who have questions regarding child custody may want to consult a legal representative. A seasoned family law attorney can answer questions, provide clarity and offer legal protection.